Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

This package adds Phone Manager Field types to Umbraco Forms.
A custom Umbraco Forms workflow to allow users to save a new marketing contact to a Bronto ( contact and associated list, using the Bronto SOAP Api. The workflow allows mapping between Bronto fields and the Umbraco form fields.
Connects NHibernate logging infrastructure to Common.Logging.
Additional functionality for working with an Umbraco database
Authentication functions for BIA.Net Framework using WebApi: - Authentification
Authentication function for BIA.Net Framework: - Authentification
Authentication function for BIA.Net Framework: - Authentification
Authentication function for BIA.Net Framework: - Authentification
Provides an async extension for log4net ILog and ILogger implementations
Http transport library for Ascon Pilot
Ascon Pilot utils library
This is for TrackSynq DB access library
BigchainDB CShart driver for your application. If you do not want to write code to run Blockchain, visit and use our simple to use user interface to build your distributed application on Blockchain.
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The main library for the FhirStarter engine. Contai...
Useful extension methods for daily usage
Implements the data access layer for NHibernate ORM.
ByUmbraco is a helper to use with Umbraco
Logging template for Autumn Framework
Package Description