Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight
Total dependencies: 750
Natasha C#编译引擎
JetBrains DPA Ide VisualStudio Package Version 212.0.20210603.141322-eap02
JetBrains DPA Ide Rider Package Version 212.0.20210603.141322-eap02
自用SqlSugar扩展,不包含数据库连接类库,需要自行下载,Fork From SqlSugar
A general purpose object-oriented mapper.
ASP.NETMVC Petapoco 底层
JetBrains ReSharperCpp RiderPlugin Package Version 212.0.20210603.141122-eap02
JetBrains DPA Ide Core Package Version 212.0.20210603.141322-eap02
参考项目 :
C# to JavaScript compiler-as-a-service 🚀
JetBrains Platform Core IisExpress Package Version 233.0.20240606.111243
SavantBuffer's DbConnector: A performance-driven and ADO.NET data provider-agnostic ORM library for .NET
The C# port of StringTemplate 3.
Compiste web application development framework, application development infrastructure. SchuberFramework core class libraries.
Allows NBench tests to be discovered, executed, reported, and debugged using xUnit in ReSharper, and Visual Studio Test Explorer.
Please refer to the project Url for usage information:
Spreads Core library
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
Annotations for the rest generator tool