Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

JetBrains Psi Features XamlRenderer Package Version 212.0.20210603.131805-eap02
A binary serialiser for C# whose priorities are to making it easy to integrate into a project, to be flexible in terms of what object model may be used (POCOs, immutable types, etc..) and to support reliable serialising to and from different versions of entities (performance is not a top priority bu...
JetBrains Psi Features UIInteractive LiveTemplates Package Version 233.0.20240606.112012
JetBrains Psi Features UIInteractive Features Package Version 233.0.20240606.112012
JetBrains Psi Features UIInteractive Core Package Version 233.0.20240606.112012
JetBrains Platform UIInteractive Ide Package Version 233.0.20240606.111243
A fork of the Apache IBatisNet.DataMapper refactored and migrated to .NET Standard with DI support.
Smart data mapper library
Smart data accessor generator library
.Net Enterprise Micro-ORM
MyCouch is a simple async CouchDB client building on top of the async HTTP client and uses JSON.Net to provide flexible serialization behaviour. It tries to keep the domain language of CouchDB and lets you work with requests and responses but also provides you with an alternative simplifying async A...
JetBrains dotCover Core Package Version 212.0.20210603.141257-eap02
JetBrains Platform Core Text Package Version 233.0.20240606.111243
JetBrains Psi Features SolutionBuilder Package Version 233.0.20240606.112012
High performance Redis client, incorporating both synchronous and asynchronous usage.
JetBrains Platform RdProtocol Package Version 233.0.20240606.111243
JetBrains Psi Features Cpp Src Core Package Version 233.0.20240606.115259
Yet another simple and powerful micro ORM for .NET
ZYSQL is ADO.NET Development
JetBrains Platform Core MsBuild Package Version 233.0.20240606.111243