Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

Easy to use Remoting library for .NET Core and .NET Framework
Extensions for running workflows in Azure Functions
A Tiny ORMish thing for your POCO's.
Useful base libs for .NET
This unofficial package contains a strongly-signed assemblies of the Jurassic library.
A base repostitory implementation to be used in message-drive, CQRS-based architectures
A high-performance, zero-allocation logging library.
This NCache SDK NuGet package is a complete package for using NCache Professional for .NET Framework and .NET Core applications.
Entity Component System framework aiming for syntax and usage simplicity with maximum performance for game development.
Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
Pacchetto base ecosistema Businness.Data.Objects. Contiene ORM, BO e classe di orchestrazione.
全龄段友好的C#万能工具库,码数吐司库,不管你是菜鸟新手还是骨灰级玩家都能轻松上手,Masuit.Tools基础公共库(适用于.NET4.6.1/.NET Standard2.0及以上项目),包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,Excel简单导出,权重随机筛选算法,分布式短id,表达式树,linq扩展,文件压缩,多线程下载和FTP客户端,硬件信息,字符串扩展方法,日期时间扩展操作,中国农历,大文件拷贝,图像裁剪,验证码,断点续传,集合扩展等常用封装。 官网教程: github:https...
A simple, easy-to-use, flexible, and efficient .NET development framework
forked from neuecc/Utf8Json. Thanks to Mr. neuecc for the greate project allow string convert to number and revert.
FSharpx.Extras implements general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible.
The core library for the singularity ioc container
Oragon.Spring.Core port to .NET Standard 2.0
Entityframework styled tool for accessing gremlin based graph databases like CosmosDB and Apache Tinkerpop