Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight

Total dependencies: 750

NET基础类库集,融合了多个开源框架,同时兼容.NET 4.0+和.NET Standard2.0的实用工具集,解决小型项目快速开发的问题,最小侵入性。
fluorinefx Client with .Net Standard 2.0 support
Wrap existing models into Google Protobuf models that inherit IMessage.
FastExpressionCompiler is 10-40x times faster than Expression.Compile()
FastExpressionCompiler is 10-40x times faster than Expression.Compile()
Wenli.Config.ApolloClient说明: 一、Wenli.Config.ApolloClient是根据了解官方驱动流程后,结合项目实际情况重构的apollo配置中心客户端,主要解决以下几个问题: 1.无需在c盘配置目录 2.可以连接多个apollo服务中心、每一个中心可以使用多个appid的配置 3.不再使用onchange事件来通知更新,而是增加实体类生成工具,用类的属性来实现自动更新,以方便于项目中使用 4.增加更加详细的配置,以适应不同项目环境的需求,比如长轮询时间、次数等 5.根据实际情况修改配置读取顺序为:优先使用appsetting中的配置、其次使用apolloc...
A simple and fast contractless RPC library for .NET and .NET Core, over IServiceCollection
PetaPoco.NetCore is a fork of PetaPoco based, add .netcore support,support .netframework and .netcore,petapoco is A high performance Micro-ORM on dotnet supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc,support a query and map,and support Multi Mapping, Multiple Results
ThreadContextConnection植入使用大小自动移除操作 增加植入
Json and Xml Serializers for .NET projects Support : * Wpf, Windows Forms, Asp.Net * Uwp (>=build 16299) * Asp.Net Core, Xamarin (.Net Standard 2.0) * etc. * JsonO * Methods * ToJson: Object (object or dynamic) => Json * FromJson: Json => Object (type or dynamic) * ...
Nelibur.Sword is a library to take with you in the battle of Clean Code.
The common library to serialize objects
Simple and easy to use the Serializer class library package
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
A library to import and export data from plain text files in a Linq compatible way
Simple and efficient library for deep copying .NET objects
Package Description
Common library of OpenTouryo. This package is used from template of OpenTouryo.