Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ninject

Total dependencies: 570

Ninject support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
KLib.DependencyInjection with Ninject
Plug-in for FluentFactory. Integrates Ninject IoC to the factory and provides fluent API for getting dependencies.
Ninject IoC container support for Simple.Web.
A simple client for accessing a Fogbugz installation via the offical API
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Provides a Ninject implementation of the IValidatorProvider interface. Used with the Simple.Validation package.
Ninject module to register NLog Utility.Logging components
Dependency Injection wrapper using Ninject
Ninject provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating with your favorite IoC container. SNAP does not modify compiled code (unlike PostSharp) . It uses your IoC container to create runtime-callable wrappers to intercept your method calls. Source code for SNAP is hosted at http://gith...
A Ninject extension for Prism
An Ninject-based automocker for Moq.
A NCommon container adapter for Ninject
Inject configuration information into your objects using Ninject.
Remote Silverlight XAP loading extensions for Ninject based projects.