Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ninject

Total dependencies: 570

This library contains components necessary to use Ninject with Mantle.
Basic framework for Azure Worker Role. Uses Ninject to allow for IoC in the Worker and relies on Ninject for getting potential workers and startup tasks. Uses the Task framework to run multiple tasks inside one worker.
Package Description
Virtual Object DataBase
An unofficial Ninject Adapter for the Common Service Locator
Ninject library for the Glipho.OAuth.Providers library. It is mainly designed to give a default bindings modules.
This wrapper allows you to call the Moneymedic API from your C# classes and returns POCO objects parsed from JSON.
Entity Framework utility class library
Foundation framework for WPF Windows applications, designed to provide a quick and easy way to create a WPF application.
By using SummerBreeze, the manual entity creation process that is commonly used to add entities to the Breeze EntityManager metadatastore on no DB, no EF ORM or EF ORM with DTO scenarios is minimized. SummerBreeze generates all the metadata that is needed to self-describe your POCOS´s for automatic...
Package Description
Ninject support for the RestSharp.Injection project
ASP.NET types to write a server for the card board.
An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Ninject
Test Nuget package that demonstrates how to create and publish a package. The project is a demo of an optional logging pattern that is described in the linked blog post.
Enables a custom OAuth provider for Strava
Provides the ability to link discussions to other content within the community
Enables the use of custom editors
Provides advanced emoticon support; removes the requirement to wrap emoticons in '[]' characters and uses CSS classes and <span /> tags to allow a user to copy and paste text without in-line images
Allows users to navigate to the last post they read in a forum thread