Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ninject

Total dependencies: 570

Bifrost is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.
Ninject dependency resolver for SignalR
Ninject.Extensions.Quartz provides a Quartz JobFactory to create your Quartz jobs from your Ninject IoC container
Ninject extension which adds support for bbv.Common.EventBroker
ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC Container to rule everywhere.
This package adds support for Ninject to the Prism library for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
Provides some infrastructure support over Ninject
Provides console application support over Ninject
Provides windows form application support over Ninject
Provides Ninject support for Windows Forms and Console applications
My application is held together with voodoo and chickenwire.
Ninject ContainerAdapter for Service Stack
ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC Container to rule everywhere.
Caliburn.Micro extensions and helpers
Milesi Way Framework