Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Unsplash API for .NET
Implements the XMPP IoT sensor data extesion as defined by the Neuro-Foundation (
Class library providing a simple HTTP(S) server for publishing dynamic content and services, managing user authentication based on a customizable set of users and privileges. Supports the WebSocket protocol.
A .NET Apache Druid client written in C#
.NET Core bindings to nng (
Efficient and type-safe scanf for F#
Perceptual image hashing in netstandard using the ImageSharp library. Includes three hashing algorithms (AverageHash, DifferenceHash, and PerceptualHash).
Abstractions for a message bus (a.k.a. Event Aggregator) used to seperate and allow communication between view models.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet.Brotli contains one compressor-adapter for compression of text content by using the Brotli algorithm - `BrotliCompressor`. `BrotliCompressor` is based on the BrotliSharpLib.
JSON and MediaTypeFormatter extensions for skwas.MockHttp.
A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities. This package includes generator options for common conventions.
Ecng system framework System Framework is a comprehensive collection of system classes designed for the development of connectors under the StockSharp platform.
# EventFlow ![EventFlow logo](./icon-128.png) ``` $ dotnet add package EventFlow ``` EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use. Have a look at our [getting started guide](, the [do’s and don’ts](https://docs.geteventflow.n...
A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities. This package includes mocking options using FakeItEasy.
A C# library complementing the Bogus generator by adding auto creation and population capabilities. This package includes mocking options using NSubtitute.
The last comparison library you'll ever need!
iyzipay api .net client
NLog target that pushes log messages to Graylog using the Http input
# EventFlow ![EventFlow logo](./icon-128.png) ``` $ dotnet add package EventFlow ``` EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use. Have a look at our [getting started guide](, the [do’s and don’ts](https://docs.geteventflow.n...
The NHapiTools are tools that will make using NHapi (the open source .Net HL7 implementation) easier. NHapi has a steep learning curve and not everything works as easy as it should. NHapiTools aims to improve that without tampering with NHapi source code.