Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

Package Description
Database Operation Library For MySQL
Safe SQL Databases Interface
DataBse.DapperForMySql is a class library tool that connects to MySql database by using Dapper driver
event-store provider by mysql
MySQL Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Oracle official MySql.Data package for Cosmos.Data.
Umbraco CMS mocking helper
Library to work with various datafiles
ZProRx ---- One property-oriented reactive property framework, the current ZP.Lib.Matrix package is ZProRx's core framework for Soc and Web App.
.Net Core easy to implement generic service and Quartz to Implement Background Schedule Tasks. Set backing database from appsettings json files. Supported databases: Memory, Ms SQL server, Postgres, Mysql, SqLite
[pt-BR] .NET Framework 4.7.2 ou posterior * Uso de entidades (classes), cada entidade é uma tabela no banco de dados * Rotina para sempre recriar o banco de dados (muito útil para desenvolvimento) com opção para desabilitar * Controle total das rotinas de criação e atualizaçã...
DbUtils is the ORM in .NetCore, .NetFramework. It supports Mysql, SqlServer, Oracle,SqlLite
A .NET class library to import data from different source into a unified destination
Paquete de acceso a datos en bases de datos Sql con los estándares DigitalWare
Library containing most of the methods that I used in all my projects, from file exporting/importing to extensions to strings, serialization, data comparisons, etc.