Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

A lightweight ORM based on dapper
.Net 自定义公共库
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
Configure databases in Prius ORM to connect to MySql and MariaDB. Defines the server type 'MySql' that you can use in your Prius ORM configuration file.
Data access wrapper for FluidSQL
MySql provider for CoPilot.ORM
Minimalistic API allows developer to most easily perform operations with database. By default, library automatically manages DbConnection, DbTransaction, DbCommand and DbDataReader objects. Developer only writes queries.
This Nuget package enables you to inherit different interfaces provided by the Core library to create your own custom tasks of type 1) IErrorHandlerTask 2) IErrorNotificationTask 3) IIncommingTask 4) IOutgoingTask 5) IPublisherTask 6) ISubscriberTask 7) IWorkflowTask 8) IWorkflowSplitterTask
This Nuget package enables you to 1) Publish messages 2) Pull subscribed messages 3) Publish workflows 4) Run workflows synschronously 5) Restart workflows
Database build and continuous integration tool - MySQL
Hangfire MySql Storage with "Hangfire" prefixed before all table names, forked from
Component used to replicate data from a mysql database to the elasticsearch with dotnet C#
An adapter for MySQL for Folke.Orm
For people who like to work with Raw SqlConnection, command, readers this might be the best choice. It has cache support, can be customized and open source. enjoy
This Developer Toolkit contains some MVC for twitter bootstrap, MongoDB, SQL helpers and AntiRobot Tools.
PVC plugin: Sql