Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

Small (almost cross Database: SQL Server, MySql, Postgres and SqLite) tool for create/delete database, execute queries and retrieve data mainly designed to help to set up infrastructure for unit tests
Package Description
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an MySQL 5.0+ database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration.
SOD框架支持.NET Core/.NET 5以及之后的版本的MySQL数据提供程序
Cocon90.Db是由Cocon90.Db.Common为核心的类库与其它数据库操作库组合而成,以方便调用为主要目的,支持ORM操作,增、删、改、查、事务、批量执行、创建表、插入或保存记录 等等,并提供多种数据库支持。当前已支持Mysql、Sqlite、SqlServer。
A custom Notification Gateway Provider service for sending notifications with SendGrid
Acesse mais de um tipo de banco de dados de forma fácil via ADO.NET. Atualmente dando suporte aos bancos. - SqlServer - MySql - Firebird É possível implementar outros bancos de dados de forma fácil!
Simple ORM engine.
AntData.ORM For Mysql Provider
Iridium is a lightweight multi-platform .NET ORM for mobile, desktop and servers
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure MySQL/MariaDB queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
SchemaExplorer for CodeSmith Generator
Database access that just works - This package includes support for MySQL
Contains the core assemblies needed to run Umbraco Cms. This package only contains assemblies and can be used for package development. Use the UmbracoCms-package to setup Umbraco in Visual Studio as an ASP.NET project. This branch will not be updated - I recommend you use the official UmbracoCms.Co...
Translate existing C# code into native PHP code. Test and debug C# code directly in IDE environment with Apache+PHP simulation. Reference native PHP libraries from C# projects.
Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for MySQL. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs in MySQL.