Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

Multi database connector, MsSql, MySql, Sqlite, Postgre and Oracle
SmartDb.MySql.NetCore是一套基于DoNet和DoNetCore对MySql数据库支持的快速开发和轻量级ORM框架,需要SmartDb.NetCore作为基础框架。 包NuGet地址: 框架Git开源地址: 框架博客地址: 联系邮箱:[email protected]
Store and execute SQL queries and connections, retrieve information, check data integrity, modify data, execute tests and data migrations between different data bases, can also export results to csv and text files.
Tool to manage LogEntries.
Alchemium Unlimited - Common Client Packages
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify MySql data access.
A small data access library using ADO.NET to avoid repeating code, simple and easy to use.
Support file log, database log, email log, windows event log and console log. Also you can define log event, then you can pipe your log message to anywhere you want.
This is a lightweight CRUD ORM template for .NET data access application. You can use the DataContext to execute Insert, Update, Delete and Select action to database.
This is a cache management for .NET application. You can store you data in in-process memory, Redis server, MySQL memory table engine or Zayni Framework's build-in Remote.ShareData.Service.
Somfic's all-in-one package for everything
Package Description
.Net Standard version of BDataBase Multi database interface, Ms-Sql, MySql, PostgreSQL and Sqlite, part of my personal developer toolbox. *Oracle not supported in this version.
阿波罗分布式配置,改为xml文件,适用于所有.net core项目类型. apollo.config <configuration><Apollo><Namespaces name="0">application</Namespaces><Namespaces name="1">TEST1.Common</Namespaces><AppID>000001</AppID><Env>DEV</Env><MetaServer></MetaServer><ConfigServer name="0">
Tools for EF Code First Support InMemory ; SqlServer ; PosqtgreSql ; Sqlite ; MySql ;
A C# class to make connecting, consulting and inserting info into a database much easier.