Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

Telegram provider for SimpleBotFramework
Interfaces for SimpleBotFramework
.NET Core ultra lightweight event bus implementation
Basic Authentication Middleware For Net Core
Polymorphic Pseudonymisation is an encryption technology developed by Eric Verheul to ensure the privacy and security of users in an authentication system. This technology has been incorporated in the Dutch "EID" system. Polymorphic Pseudonymisation is based on the El-Ghamal encryption system and sp...
An AspNetCore ISmsSender implementation via TencentSms (aka QcloudSms). (Windows/Linux works!)
RabbitMQ implementations of Brokezer.Bus
.Net core Package for setting repository with mongodb. -update link project
An AspNetCore ISmsSender implementation via TencentSms (aka QcloudSms).
A Razor ViewLocationExpander to serve dedicated views for Weixin or what-you-need browsers.
Tencent Cloud Object Storage XML API V5 (Inner Code: cos-dotnet-sdk-v5)
GCP Datastore adapter for AspNetCore.Identity. This version supports .Net Core 1.1.
HTTP Client (REST, Stream) with Bearer authorization
Zero file logger common lib.
Software Pioniere Fx Reference to Foundatio
API Client for InvoiceXpress online invoicing software.
model classes for Dynamic Authorization Policy for ASP.NET Core
An AspNetCore ISmsSender implementation via Tencent Cloud (Qcloud) SMS service. (Windows/Linux works!)