Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

Package SimpleGelf
Tencent Cloud Object Storage SDK for .NET Core
this is a core middleware that used to authorize the requests for the "non-public" files.
.NET Standard Service and Wrapper for the Paygate PayHost API.
The dotnetcore/standard NefitEasy extensions library
Validation helper library for Starcounter applications
.NET Standard Service and Wrapper for the SmsPortal API.
Send push notification by based on .NET Standard
This project contains some helpers to make image processing and handling in core websites easier.
.NET Standard Wrapper and Service for the DirectPay Online Service API.
Additions and extensions for .NET.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using ServiceStack.Redis.Core
Provides the layer for MongoDB operations over .NET driver
Library with abstractions for working with message queues
Package Description
Simple reddit API wrapper with basic functions implemented
Package to user JSON instead of RESX files for localization
.NET Core strongly typed RabbitMQ integration library