Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
Package Description
An implementation of the IDistributedCache that uses a Stateful Reliable Service Fabric service to act as the cache store.
You can use this library to setup a distributed cache and use Service Fabric instead of Redis or SQL Server.
Thanks goes to
Provides some helpers for integration test use.
对.NET CORE进行扩展,加入FalconDIRegisterAttribute特性进行服务注册。
Adds basic instrumentation to the mediator request pipeline. Meters for total and failed requests and for execution time.
This library helps to facilitate the setup of Swagger to connect to an authentication provider. It is designed to work with Auth0, but can be configured to work with any like oauth provider. It supports instances for APIs using Implicit Flows.
将 Crping.Authorize.JWT 注入到 .Net5 项目服务中
An improved version of USSD Framework SDK.
Presents a simplified, unified experience for building services that
render on all Hubtel platform channels (Web, POS, Mobile and USSD)
connection to Salesforce CX
Tiny RabbitMq extensions with EasyNetQ
services.AddQueueService<RabbitQueueService>(new RabbitQueuOptions() {
Host = Configuration[""],
Port = int.Parse(Configuration["rabbit.queque.port"]),
User = Configuration["rabbit.queque.user"],
Password = Conf...
A lightweight method for communicating with the ArcGIS geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling ArcGIS.
A lightweight method for communicating with the Bing geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling Bing.
A lightweight method for communicating with the Google geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling Google.
A lightweight method for communicating with the HERE geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling HERE.
A lightweight method for communicating with the MapBox geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling MapBox.
A lightweight method for communicating with the MapQuest geocoding APIs. This includes models and interfaces for calling MapQuest.
Zero-effort key management extension for IdentityServer4. This package adds key encryption via Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection
MAD.NET Configuration Extensions