Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Contains implementation of email sending service using SMTP.
Contains implementation of email sending service using Amazon SES.
Contains abstraction for email sending service.
Contains Sql Server connection factory and other extensions for Sql Server.
EntityFrameworkCore-based implementation of repository abstraction.
Extension to run Hangfire with Dependency Injection in a .NET Core Host
E-mail sending services for ASP.NET Core applications using the SendGrid service.
Extensions to integrate Auth0 .NET SDK with ASP.NET Core.
xxl-job is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework, and this package provide an executor client for it. XxlJob.WebApiHost host the job executor in a webapi application.
DynamicVNET.Lib extension for core. Extensible AOP (interceptor filter). Also allows to reuse marker validation.
Sealbreaker is a NuGet pacakage you can use to fetch your secrets or decrypt and encrypt your data with keys from the Azure Key Vault by using System Assigned Identity.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0
Migration tool for .NET: supports sql script migrations and custom migrations written by C#
An AspNetCore ISmsSender implementation via TencentSms (aka QcloudSms).
Package Description
An AspNetCore ISmsSender implementation via TencentSms (aka QcloudSms). (Windows/Linux works!)
Polymorphic Pseudonymisation is an encryption technology developed by Eric Verheul to ensure the privacy and security of users in an authentication system. This technology has been incorporated in the Dutch "EID" system. Polymorphic Pseudonymisation is based on the El-Ghamal encryption system and sp...
.Net core Package for setting repository with mongodb. -update link project