Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Keycloak adapter for Asp net core projects with functionality of authentication, authorization and policy building.
Performs async app initialization on start.
SqlExecutor implementaion via Dapper
Classes for working with temp files
Package Description
Simple Text Localization using json format files.
Log Service for Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Functions.
Package Description
Essa biblioteca serve como um facilitador para consumir e repassar as requisições à API do Google Places.
Essa biblioteca serve como um facilitador para consumir e repassar as requisições à API do Google Geocode.
Package Description
Project that contains the classes and interfaces used in registering factories, repostiroies, queries and cmmands.
Library that allows data to be exported as an Excel Spreadsheet
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore.EntityFrameworkCore services in .NET Core application.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.EventStore.EntityFrameworkCore services in .NET Core application.