Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Essa biblioteca serve como um facilitador para consumir e repassar as requisições à API do Google Places.
Essa biblioteca serve como um facilitador para consumir e repassar as requisições à API do Google Geocode.
该组件是基于ASP.NET Core打造的模块化组件,借鉴了ABP Vnext 的模块化核心,剥离了ABP Vnext自己认为目前用不上的东西,轻量级,适用于中小项目模块化操作。
Este pacote foi feito pela Bitty Soluções com o intuito de encapsular a forma de fazer requisição apartir do .net
C# DDD Distributed Services Layer
JLocalizer is simple default json based localization provider, can used external resource for localization like database/web api/xml/json.
A library to perform interception based AOP using Microsoft.Extension.DepenencyInjection.
Smart Application Framework (SAF) messaging infrastructure to allow message routing between different messaging systems.
Smart Application Framework (SAF) messaging infrastructure for Redis based communication.
Smart Application Framework (SAF) messaging infrastructure for in-process communication.
Common interface and type definitions for the Smart Application Framework (SAF).
Helpers to generate and authenticate URLs with expiring hashcodes
QuickLogger Dependency Injection Extensions and Standard Logging adapters for ASPNetCore.
Simple .NET command query dispatching service.
This package implements a generic repository from NetHacksPack.Data.Persistence.Abstraction based on EntityFrameworkCore. It helps write entity framework repositories easily, without creating explicity dependencies from a EFCore implementation
注入 Consul 客户端到 Asp.Net Core 容器:services.AddConsulClient();
hiding asp net core action routing
.NET Standard 2.0 Client for Facebook Graph API
Redakt Imaging library. Contains the default System.Drawing based image processor.