Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Package Description
Package Description
This library allows Blazor Client Side code to look up and use the appsettings file on ther server. Registers a IAppSettings service that can be used to pull the client's appsettings using a REST api call.
Smart container library configuration extensions
Package Description
NViser.Core is including utilities and helper class for common usages
A library to facilitate communication between CommandService and QueryService. The Idea is when any event occures in commandService, it should be persisted in QueryService in MongoDb
Fluent API for configuring Cache
OpenFaas mediator for building evented cqs serverless systems
An API for quick and easy monitoring of Player Journal log entries in the game Elite: Dangerous
Extensions for using NHibernate in Asp.Net Core.
Package Description
C#/.Net building blocks supporting implementation of the repository and unit of work patterns for Azure Table.
Bellight MessageBus Abstractions