Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Provides helper functions to implement NetSuite's Three-step Authorization Flow.
Extension to wire up the necessary services and settings from FeatuR
.NET API for Amics SA Factory Platform.
An extensible CQRS library that supports passing of context to message handlers.
Basic hosting extensions for ASP.NET Core
Basic hosting extensions for ASP.NET Core
Helpers to generate and authenticate URLs with expiring hashcodes
.Net Core Basic Application Logger.
QuickLogger Dependency Injection Extensions and Standard Logging adapters for ASPNetCore.
Implement the interface of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to output logs to AzureStorageTable. (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging のインターフェイスを実装して AzureStorageTable へログを出力します。)
Common interface and type definitions for the Smart Application Framework (SAF).
Basic package for service com3munication through event bus.
Basics for HyperShell plugins
This library allows translation from a service using cached XML files based translations for a Blazor project
📊 HttpTracker - Http请求跟踪器
Инструменты доступа к данным через Sql Client
It's a helper for BigQuery's Table creation and data insertion with support for nested and repeated fields.
Library that contains interfaces and base-classes that Plugins use to interact with the Host-Application