Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 1957

Dotnet Core Console Appplication hosting. Add Startup like AspNet Core
This package contains Rabbit transport for Milde.Remoting.
This package contains Hosting to wire Milde infrastructure to your application.
This package contains ES abstractios for aggregates, event bus and event store
Zero file logger common lib.
Simple and extensible way to make appsettings.json/web.config/app.config/env vars/whatever easier to read and strongly typed!
CoreAPM .NET Agent
NewenNetworks Standard SDK
ConsoleHost library makes writing simple and testable .NET console apps easier.
Service.NET Core is a minimal framework for building service applications.
This is a small Helper for consuming strong typed json config files from a path.
Package Description
Extensions for sourcing Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration information from Service Fabric.
Provides implementations of IFileProvider that are writeable.
Useful Docker extensions for AspNetCore