Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

Package Description
A simple yet customizable HTTP response wrapper and exception handler for ASP.NET Core APIs.
Global json response handler for REST APIs
Cosmos repository - allows storage/retrieval of documents in Cosmos. For details on how to use this package see the ReadMe file that is part of this repository.
BigfootWeb is a collection of helpers for workign with ASP.NET Core applications. Helps in managing Context / Request / Response validation, output, etc.
Comments as a middleware for ASP.NET Core apps. Adds comments capabilities to your existing ASP.NET Core app.
OpenFaaS csharp functions
This library Extends the HttpContext to provide a simple approach to get userInfo associted with a user account. HttpContext.GetUserInfoAsync() In startup you can configure your namespaced UserInfo Extensions based upon the rules setup in Auth0
Middleware for ASP.Net Features * Logs requests redacted (With "api" in route) * Logs responses redacted and status codes (With "api" in route) * Adds Telemetry * Handles correlation Ids * Catch all uncaught exceptions and log them redacted
Event Bus implemented by Kafka and CloudEvent for Microservice pattern. Support Opentelemetry
Package Description
Connects SQL Server through EF Core framework
Models for handling Emails
Paquete de soporte para mensajeria asincrona con RabbitMQ y Event Sourcing con MediatR
.net core entity framework tools and web api tools
==v1.0.1.6 FormUrlEncodedContent 导致 RUL 太长问题优化。 ==v1.0.1.5 删除多余的异常捕捉代码。 ==v1.0.1.4 http 状态码不是 200 的请求,返回状态码与原因。 ==v1.0.1.3 状态码不是成功(200~299)的情况下,返回状态码与可能的错误信息。 ==v1.0.1.2 增加 HttpClient 多SSL证书配置 ==v1.0.1.1 函数优化兼容 FrameWork 4.6.1 ==v1.0.0.7 新增扩展用于增加请求头参数。 ==v1.0.0.6 新增扩展用于获取响应头信息。 ==v1.0.0.5 项目更改为跨平台库。...
Common AspNetCore based modules and classes for Hanatech IoT platforms
Sentez Technology Development Team
Cliente para el consumo de auditoria - version de prueba