Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

C3Logger - ILogger Extensions Library
RabbitMQ and Postgres HealthCheck
Adds readiness probe endpoint to AspNetCore applications which can be used by kubernetes. Allows to perform time consuming operations after startup and indicate that app not ready to receive traffic during this time.
Qc.AlipaySdk 基于 `.NET Standard 2.0 构建,对支付宝开放平台的接口(网页授权登录)进行了封装
一个基于 .NET Standard 2.0 构建的 Westcn SDK
Elmah for ASP.NET Core based on ElmahCore
High level event-driven logging framework for scoped processes
Simple Service Versioning Endpoint and Headers
Common Helper Package For .Net Core Apps
一个基于 .NET Standard 2.0 构建的 简单登录中间件,方便的给swagger,私有资源添加拦截登录页,可配置不同语言
Package Description
Ding是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的NetCore核心类库。
Manage your webhooks easily.
Manage your webhooks easily.
一个基于 netstandard2.0 构建的易联云 Sdk
一个基于 .NET Standard 2.0 构建的 Baidu Ocr Sdk,对百度只能云平台的 Ocr 常用接口进行了封装