Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

Utility library for creating own external tools via the Moodle LTI API.
新增批量上传日志 修复Header等配置不生效问题
This package contains core logic for the Telegram bot for HTTP web cameras.
Server Timing middleware implementation for ASP.NET Core
Package Description
Common modules and classes for Hanatech IoT platforms
📊 HttpTracker - Http请求跟踪器
华为云OBS驱动 2020-08-04 去掉OBS每次调用都去查询API接口版本的问题,提高性能 2020-08-25 修复OBS Content-Disposition设置为中文后,文件上传报错的bug 修复Content-Type被url编码,导致文件内容呈现出现错误的bug 2020-12-10 修正创建对象时metadata里面设置了Content-Type+Cotent-Length导致获取对象时报错的bug
Olekstra "Oksana" protocol class library
用于在程序启动时迁移数据库: host.TryMigrateDb<TestDataContext>(app);
This package contains C# wrappers for the Runescape REST APIs.
Another Zipkin library aiming to ease usage of zipkin capabilities.
Default implementation for the Bolt.Core.App abstraction
Simple chaos monkey style plugin to ASPNetCore.
Authorization behaviour for MediatR. Extensions for Microsoft.DependencyInjection