Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

Man is not dead while his name is still spoken
ASP.NET Core GZipCompression Middleware compresses the body of requests in GZIP format if the request accept.
Middleware to help run AspNetCore apps in a virtual directory
AspNetCoreCompression is an ASP.NET Core compression solution designed to GZip the http responses for all requests which accept GZip encoding.
AspNetCoreNoCache is an ASP.NET Core solution which ensures that http responses are not cached.
Simple migration for databases on .NET
Package Description
ASP.NET Core Middleware
Package Description
Hopac.Websockets.AspNetCore - AspNetCore extensions for Hopac.Websockets
Adds the Strict-Transport-Security header to all secure responses.
Middleware for returning HTTP responses by throwing exceptions.
Package Description
Webster - A tiny .net core websocket server
ASP.NET Core QoS is a set of high-performance and highly customizable middlewares that allow to set different limits on requests (quotas, rates, concurrency,...).
A Worker Pingback HealthCheck wrapper for .net core
A simple middleware for ASP.NET Core 2+ to add the Content-Security-Policy http header.
Server side analytics tool for AspNet Core