Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 2495

Aspnet core middleware to spin up rest resources dynamically. This package is part of project Imposter which provides simple over the wire test doubles. Project Imposter allows to stub or mock a REST resource.
Package Description
EntityDbContext and EntityBase with BeforeSave/AfterSave hooks.
A state sharing algorithm using WebSockets
A small library to setup cors options in core.
Emuses is simple session manager for .net core.
ASP .NET Core Extensions
Support hosting ZKWeb on Asp.Net Core. For more information please visit project site.
Some classes for easy etag handling, can also be used as some kind of example.
Middleware to initiate a proper identity in an aspnet core application when using azure appservice authentication.
Proxy middleware for AspNetCore.
LightNode(Micro REST/RPC Framework) for ASP.NET Core. Bot utilities based on .NET Core (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions)
HttpClient middleware adapter that enables reuse of existing DelegatingHandlers and HttpMessageHandlers in a middleware pipeline
Asp.Net Core and HttpClient middleware to pass through inbound request headers to downstream services
Client for asynchronous messaging via Sql Server Broker Services. Supports request-respond and fire and forget messaging scenarios.