Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FastMember

Total dependencies: 155

EntityFrameworkCore extensions for Etl.Net
The Loki Bulk Data Processor is an Asp.Net Core library which enables the fast bulk processing of data. It uses the SQL Bulk Copy class under the hood, and can process data model collections or data tables. There is a tutorial available on the Loki Software YouTube channel: Tesseract library is used across many projects.
Saint Francis College ID System Core Library
Package Description
A simple library that utilizes NPOI to calculate excel functions exactly as excel does.
A very flexible and fast CSV serializer. You can serialize and deserialize CSV.
A smart a fast way to validate excel data using npoi
A common library SQL server.
Paquete con libreria y ejemplos del componente Delta Grid MVC
Web API que contiene los métodos que usa el componente Delta Grid MVC, contiene las operaciones básicas Insertar, Eliminar, Buscar, Enlistar, Modificar, entre otras
Bulk Data API/Tools for SQL Server databases. Easily perform bulk "upsert" operations on your database. Nifty helper utility for moving around large sets of data.
Library to communicate to LG SmartThings devices with LG Api v2.
Package Description
Common utility and extension methods.
TrackerDog turns any .NET object or full object graph into a change-trackable object
Utilerias como : encriptar/desencriptar datos, obtener SHA1 de una cadena, serializar, etc
Contiene clases para hacer operaciones en la base de datos usando ADO.NET o Telerik Data Access
Contiene métodos que solicitan datos a la persistencia, ademas de controlar los campos dinámicos