Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

AssertJ style fluent assertions for .NET testing framework xUnit.
AssertJ style fluent assertions for .NET testing framework NUnit.
AssertJ style fluent assertions for .NET testing framework MSTest.
Magenic's automation quick start .Net Core templates
.NET Unit test helpers for ASP.NET MVC routing and for asserting that ASP.NET MVC controller actions return expected results
eShopWorld common test stack
A .NET library providing foundations for automated testing - designed to make it easier to implement test cases and to read their output.
SpecFlow plugin for reporting test results to
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use Moq. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Engine which simulates your exact Dynamics 365/CRM instance locally including all of it's logic!
Adds relational support to the Microsoft EntityFrameworkCore in-memory database provider by mocking relational operations. EntityFrameworkCore.Testing v1.x = EntityFrameworkCore 2 (2.1.0+) EntityFrameworkCore.Testing v2.x = EntityFrameworkCore 3 EntityFrameworkCore.Testing v3.x = EntityFrameworkCor...
Fable bindings for react-testing-library
Bard is a .NET library for functional API testing.
Engine which simulates your exact Dynamics 365/CRM instance locally including all of it's logic!
Engine which simulates your exact Dynamics 365/CRM instance locally including all of it's logic!
Engine which simulates your exact Dynamics 365/CRM instance locally including all of it's logic!
Run your xunit-based tests on an STA thread with the WPF Dispatcher, a WinForms SynchronizationContext, or even a cross-platform generic UI thread emulation with a SynchronizationContext that keeps code running on a "main thread" for that test. Simply use [WpfFact], [WinFormsFact], [StaFact] or the...
Xunit test fixture for Couchbase
Extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for xunit.
D365 Extension for SpecFlow allows you to automatically test your Dynamics 365 CE implementation. It provides a broad set of SpecFlow steps to help you create your scripts very rapidly. It leverages the EasyRepro library from Microsoft for the User Interface related tests.