Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Provides an in-memory test server for testing AWS Lambda functions.
A minimal Microsoft.Extensions.Logging provider for test frameworks such as MSTest, xUnit and NUnit.
Helpers for writing tests that use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Contains test implementations that are observable.
This package contains an integration between xUnit and Autofac. It adds the support for the dependency injection (DI) into all xUnit entities such as test classes, fixtures, etc.
Package Description
VsixTesting allows you to easily test your Visual Studio Extensions.
OpenRiaServices.UnitTesting provides a DomainServiceTestHost that can be used to unit test your Domain Services.
It is a library to realize various kinds of code generation using Codeer.TestAssistantPro.
FluentAssertions extensions for Facility unit tests.
Package Description
Provides infrastructure to build automated testing with Azure Event Grid.
F# wrapper library for Akka.NET Streams TestKit library using FsCheck and xUnit.
Breakdance is a testing framework for managing the dangerous dance of shipping public APIs. This package contains helper classes for testing any WebAPI endpoint. These classes make it super easy to craft HTTP requests to your API at test time. Commonly used types: System.Net.Http.HttpCl...
Breakdance is a testing framework for managing the dangerous dance of shipping public APIs. This package helps generate public API reports for any .NET assembly, and compare them against a prior unit test run. That way, if something in the API surface changed, the unit test will fail. C...
The NmpCore Task can be used to run the .NET Memory Profiler tool NmpCore as an MsBuild task. It will automatically run NmpCore after build for all profiler projects (.prfproj) in the project that are marked with the Build Action "NmpCore". To run unit tests using NmpCore, it is recommen...
Provides a wrapper around the LocalDB to simplify running tests that require Entity Framework.
A mocking library that creates LazyCache IAppCache system mocks using NSubstitute.
NUnit extensions simplifying DI-container management in tests
C# SDK for the test platform protocol. This SDK can be used in IDE or Editors to use test platform for discovery and execution of tests.
Core components for Swagger/OpenAPI-driven integration testing APIs built on ASP.NET Core