Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

The library for creating book and card flip animations in ViewPager in Android
AdMob integration for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS (and MonoGame)
Instagram-like (from broadcasts) double avatar view with cropping for Xamarin.Android
Custom toast messages for Xamarin.Android
Creates a floating menu like the app Momo, VtcPay, WePay for Android
Simple File chooser DialogFragment. Has 3 usable callbacks and device-default theming.
It's simple wrapper for Android MediaPlayer with a few controls.
Bionic Monitor Service - Live reload service for Blazor/Bionic projects
Android Library to Get best available location from Android Location Providers
Receiving and Parsing SMS Messages on Android Devices
Store strings & credentials securely encrypted on Android device
Android: iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all scrollable Android views (RecyclerView, ListView, GridView, ScrollView).
Display the licenses of your Xamarin.Android application libraries in a easy way
Xamarin.Android Binding for VRG Soft's RollingLayoutManager
Xamarin.Android Binding for VRG Soft's ParallaxView
Xamarin.Android Binding for VRG Soft's FlipView
The Chips page is below: It supports Android and iOS under Xamarin Forms