Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Useful converters for Xamarin.Forms
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions
Draw a chart with progress bar style
Excalibur tries to bring structure for developers that are using MvvmCross and Xamarin to develop their mobile applications. This is provider that uses encrypted file-storage as storage/database.
This package includes Windows.Media.Capture like APIs cross-platform such as: - CameraCaptureUI for providing a full window UI for capturing video and photos from a camera.
Easily create fancy Material Dialogs on Xamarin.Android
A Beautiful and very advanced material color picker for Xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android library for Date and Time Picker in same dialog
A customisable material color picker view for Xamarin.Android
ACR Background Jobs Plugin Autofac Extensions
Paging indicator widgets that are compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library to improve discoverability of content
Customizable bounce animation for any view updation for Xamarin.Android
iOS and Android modular and customizable controls and components for developers
Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand App with transitions for Xamarin.Android
DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a drawer is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible
The usual Toast for Xamarin.Android, but with steroids
WebView implementation supporting Markdown rendering for Xamarin.Android
Beautiful Color Picker dialog for Android 9+ based on VintageChroma by Pavel Sikun
ACR Background Jobs Plugin Autofac Extensions
An abstraction layer for the Google Play Services FusedLocationProviderClient API to expose various easy to use methods to get device location and initiate relevant permissions requests