Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Library to add ImageView (ImageBadgeView) with a badge like notification count.
The LookupPicker control extends the standard Picker control about the possibility to show of the names but storing (binding) of the keys. It brings two new properties: ID (bindable property which represents a key value of the selected item) and ItemIdProperty (name of the key property, e.g. "Id"). ...
This plugin extend support for font glyphs (font icons) using FontAwesomePro in Xamarin.Forms applications.
This plugin extend support for font glyphs (font icons) using FontAwesomeFree in Xamarin.Forms applications.
This plugin extend support for font-glyphs (font-icons) in Xamarin.Forms applications.
This plugin extend support for font-glyphs (font-icons) using Weather Icons in Xamarin.Forms applications.
Mapbox.Android.Sdk (C# Bindings)
Simple Android library to notify Android device network changes and react properly
Android Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline
XCore - UIControls component for Xamarin Android
Toastie is a customizable Android toast library
XCore - Navigator component for Xamarin Android
An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
Conversor de Xml em Objetos para Danfe
StepProgressBar is progressBar for easy display steps
A simple prototyping MVVM library supporting Xamarin.Forms.
A simple prototyping MVVM library.
Radial ProgressBar for Android inspired by Apple Watch OS. It is highly Customisable
A cute Android widget of Switch Button for you to create beautiful and friendly UI.
Beautiful Banner with Material Design for Android