Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Give a custom shape to any android view, Material Design 2 ready
A Custom Android EditText implementation that allows formatting of currency-based numeric inputs.
Android library to justify your TextView.
Android Lollipop Palette is now easy to use with Glide
Simple chip library that allows you to create your own chip views and views for the ListView all within one adapter.
BoardView is a custom view that allows you to be able to re-order items in a list as well as in a board. You can drag and drop items between columns as well as drag and drop columns.
A music progress bar view that loads music file data then shows it in visualizer bar like SoundCloud
Dynamic Layout for Xamarin.Forms. Use horizontal or vertical controls like a listview.
Provides a full and clean solution to POST, GET,PUT or DELETE data to server using a Rest API.
iOS SegmentedButton for Xamarin.Forms
Common Lib for Karamunting.Android.Trendyol.BubbleScrollBar.
A Material Design Bubble Scroll Bar.
ZebraTextView makes reading long text Paragraph more comfortable
A full featured Color picker Library for Android! Just like the one in Photoshop
Android ViewPager and PagerAdapter combination that support auto scroll, infinite loop and page indicators
A flexibly configurable, beautifully animated, device-rotatable drop down list widget for Android.
Xamarin.Android Binding for AndKulikov's Transitions-Everywhere, a set of extra transitions on top of AndroidX Transitions Library.
BottomSheet component for Xamarin.Droid and Xamarin.iOS
A Material Design Pattern Lock library with auth flow implementation.
Material Design RatingBar with better appearance, compatible with Android 3.0+.