Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Meraki API
A light-weight HTTP server with support for self-documenting APIs.
Bindings for .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Chromium.CroNet.Api package
A module for adding in validation support using fluentValidation.
A module for adding in validation support.
Wrapper to call JitBit API in C# Environment
Winook is a .NET library to install thread-level hooks.
Simple library for interaction with Google API.
Coronavirus COVID19 API. More info -
Revit 2020 Assembly List: AddInJournalClient.dll AdWindows.dll RevitAddInUtility.dll RevitAPI.dll RevitAPIIFC.dll RevitAPIUI.dll UIFramework.dll UIFrameworkServices.dll
Revit 2019 Assembly List: AddInJournalClient.dll AdWindows.dll RevitAddInUtility.dll RevitAPI.dll RevitAPIIFC.dll RevitAPIUI.dll UIFramework.dll UIFrameworkServices.dll
Create a generic response for ASP.NET CORE Web API.
Stanza is a data validation engine that aims to make validating data very easy, even when used in non-trivial situations, without being very verbose, while making it easy to combine and customize rule sets. It is an exploration of an alternate design to the Strikeout engine.
This is for generic API response management.
TarkovSharp is a API wrapper written in C#
Instalador de template com arquitetura profissional Asp .Net Core 3.
Wiz DotNet Core Function Template Data Driven
Wiz DotNet Core API Template Data Driven
.Net Standard Client library for IGDB API v3