Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Package Description
osu! game API wrapper
This package makes it possible to request GoogleMap Distance Matrix from a .Net (Both core and framework) application.
A client library and SDK for Swedbank Pay's RESTful API Platform
Microservice Communucation Using RabbitMQ
Microservice Communucation Using RabbitMQ
Controller library for console applications.
A .NET library for accessing the DVSA's MOT API.
A .NET class library that converts HTML to Word files (.doc or .docx) by calling the HTMLToWordConverter external API. For API testing and documentation, you can visit You can also mail us at [email protected].
Ccr.WinCore package for Windows Core-level helpers, PInvoke, Shell32, and User32 libraries. Contains constructs used to interact directly with the WinAPI.
Extends the most common things from an API
C# API for controlling a Tello drone
Chameleon API
Extension for VkNet to quickly create bots.
Extension for VkNet to quickly create bots.