Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


This program will execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line. Can be usefull for a CI integration or just making a demo. Please see for details Please see about how I made it.
dolphindb api
Mongo DB storage package for ServiceBlock
This is a sample SDK package for my Medium article
Instalador de template com arquitetura profissional Asp .Net Core 3.
Revit libraries required to create ModPlus plugins. Includes RevitAPI.dll, RevitAPIUI.dll, RevitAPIIFC.dll, UIFramework.dll, Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.dll, AdWindows.dll, RevitAPISteel.dll, SteelConnections\ASCADLinkMgd.dll, SteelConnections\ASGeometryMgd.dll, SteelConnections\ASObjectsMgd.dll, SteelConn...
AutoCAD libraries required to create ModPlus plugins. Includes accoremgd.dll, acdbmgd.dll, acdbmgdbrep.dll, acmgd.dll, AcCui.dll and AdWindows.dll
Package Description
A simple Json Web Token authentication helper library that allows you to generate access tokens easily for both ASP.NET Core web apps (cookie based auth) and Web APIs (stateless token based auth).
Provides Generic Web Api Controllers to perform CRUD operations against a Sql Server, including Temporal Tables, with DTO support
A simple standardized api response for .Net Core Web Api projects.
Wrapper over HttpClient that makes communicating with WebApi endpoints easier.
$ dotnet new -i Genocs.CleanArchitecture:0.1.0 $ dotnet new cleanarchitecture It generates a .NET Solution following the Clean Architecture Style, DDD and Separation of Concerns in Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI.
A C# .Net Core standard library that wraps the MITIE NLP C++ library.
Library of useful extensions for System classes.
Adds additional services to CaptchaSharp.
Package Description