Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

.Net Micro Framework Unit Testing Library
Lightweight Test Automation Framework (LTAF) for ASP.NET runtime dependencies
Utility for accessing private methods, properties and fields. Handy for unit tests.
Logic Data Access is a IQueryable Repository pattern implementation for LINQ To SQL and In-Memory storages.
Integration testing against e-mail almost always sucks. EmbeddedMail doesn't remove all of that pain, but it certainly helps it suck less by providing an in-memory SMTP server that you can assert on.
The WP7 App client library for BDD SpecFlow testing framework for Windows Phone emulator - used together with the WP7 BDD package
Do you use the Xceed WPF DataGrid and want to run tests against a virtualizing collection? You've probably noticed that the virtual items don't realize under test. The realization is tied to some voodoo inside the WPF implementation. I've found that by pumping the WPF dispatcher you can make the vir...
Simple Specification Framework.
This package is now obsolete and has been replaced by the NUnit.Console package. It includes the nunit3-console runner and test engine for version 3 of the NUnit unit-testing framework. The following extensions are included with this package: * NUnitProjectLoader - loads test...
Nant.Builder provides a set of nant scripts that allows you simply build, version, test and deploy your solution to windows azure. See the project site for more details
Library of helpers for testing
Easy-to-use fluent assertions with actually useful failure messages.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
A simple but powerful factory for creating objects for testing purposes.
It's a very subtle test data factory with flexible capabilities to customize created objects. Permanent customizations per type can be defined in order to be always applied on-the-fly to objects being created. At the same time any number of additional ad-hoc customizations can be applied in particul...
Helpful methods for unit testing with MsTest.
ATDD spec generation tool. Converts a plain text file of Acceptance Criteria in the Gherkin syntax into executable specs.