Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Mocking tools for the .NET Micro Framework. This package contains the core pieces needed in your project and your test project.
Mocking tools for the .NET Micro Framework. If you are using PWM, this package contains the core pieces needed in your project and your test project. This is a separate module so you don't have to reference Microsoft's PWM library if you aren't using PWM.
Mocking tools for the .NET Micro Framework. This package contains testing helper, and only needs to be referenced by your unit test project. You can also not use this and create your own mocks by implementing the core interfaces instead.
The base class TestFixture provides a registry for test features which are automatically disposed after each test case.
Automated Cleaning Tool, allowing to reduce manual cleanup code in SetUp / TearDown methods used in test projects.
A testing module for PsMake, allowing to execute nunit/nunit3/mbunit/mstest/xunit/dotnet tests with optional coverage check
A method of describing calculations in unit tests intended to complement FluentAssertions
An automocking utility. Provides a fixture base class that minimizes the boiler plate code needed to write each unit test and reduces pains of refactoring.
NUnit test decorator which samples the tests so that only a percentage of the actual tests are executed.
A bridge package allowing smooth transition from LightBDD.NUnit to LightBDD.NUnit2. After update to this version, the LightBDD.NUnit package can be removed and LightBDD.NUnit2 should be used since then.
Random custom data generator for testing software.
The tool to run your NPerf performance tests
FakeModel offers you a Fluent interface for rapid creation of test data, automatically assigning values to properties (public, private and readonly) of an in-built .Net data type. Whilst building your model, you can assign the important values yourself and forget about the rest – or even declare tha...
Load test library for TDDing
Load test library for TDDing
Easily compare object graphs for value equality in your unit tests.
Page builder UI test metaframework
Simple verification Moq-like library for Microsoft Fakes.
A small framework and runner for .NET performance testing.