Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Google C++ testing framework.
Integration-Tests involving SOAP WebServices made easy
This is the core framework with compatability for TestDriven.NET for Edison, to be used when writing tests. Edison is an open source unit/integration test framework for .NET.
Web-Drivers for using with Selenium. All driver are from the official distributer with no modifications, and tested against the latests Gravity version.
XML extensions for fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers
A set of utilities to generate random data for testing, data generation or when you just need to get Random.
The reflection-based C++ unit testing framework. SlothUnit aims to be really simple to use, expressive and easy to setup. More than anything, trying to be really familiar to your usual C++ code, so you are not required to study it in-depth to be able to start using it fluently (no learning cu...
Run XUnit tests within LinqPad
Use expressions to build objects for use in unit tests
Cake Adapter that enables nspec tests
Create a temporary database (localDb/SqlExpress) for testing
Tools package for Kekiri
A bdd framework to test your code.
Unit Test Runner Task, contains Nunit and xunit and OpenCover
Provides helper functions for setting up and tearing down SQL Server database fakes for use in integration testing.
Adds the source code statement which caused the assertion failure. Usage example here:
Blackbaud UAT KIT Core SDK Classes.
Blackbuad UAT SpecFlow Generator Plugin. Produces bindings with dual signatures enabling that the tests for both MSTest and NUnit compatible runners. Manages chromedriver lifecycle. Based on See http://...
A set of unit testing utilities to make unit testing a little easier.