Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Programmer interface for datasets. Source is here -
Web api support for test-data data-sets. Source is here -
Generate and pick random data for testing
A context/specification library for use with the NUnit testing framework.
Framework for UI Automation Testing. Web, Mobile, Desktop
Yet another testing framework.
Faking support for DemiCode.Data
XUnit Gui written in WPF
A Cucumber/Gherkin-style BDD test support library that doesn't suck, cross my heart.
Fake Object data generation and population, like Ruby's Faker gem, for .NET
A library for recording and replaying HTTP interactions. Inspired by the VCR ruby gem.
Package Description
This Framework provides generic libraries needed for test automation using any Test automation tool which is based on writing tests in c# programming language.
CHESS is a open source tool created by Microsoft Research for systematic and disciplined testing of concurrent programs.
Test conveniences for Its.Domain and related Its.Cqrs projects.
Helps sqlcmd.exe automation.
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Base assembly for PageObjectModels
Forca Hello World Nuget
HTTP API mocking library