Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

Helps you get started with Phoenix with a new project. This package will create a default controller, shell, and a view to save you from doing it!
Dependency tracking for Silverlight in the spirit of KnockoutJS.
Makes your life easier to develop multiplatform applications
The complete nRoute package for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
The a subset of the nRoute Framework for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
Usage sample for the Response.MVVM package.
ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects and can be used to bug app users to leave you reviews and rate your app on the Marketplace.
Controls, components and utilities for your next WP7 Application
Integration of Caliburn.Micro with Telerik's controls: conventions, IWindowManager implementation (TelerikWindowManager), extensions methods to IWindowManager: Alert, Confirm, Prompt. Target frameworks: Silverlight 5.0, WPF 4. Source code with sample projects available at http://github....
Extensions for the Caliburn.Micro Framework
Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls
Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls
WPF Converters provides a number of generic binding converters for use in WPF and Silverlight applications. Online at
Example usage of the Silverlight Multi File Uploader. The Silverlight Multi File Uploader is a free Silverlight 5 application. It can be used to upload multiple files simultaneously to your website. It can be integrated on any HTML page.
A contrib project for MVVM Light, adding support for coroutines and a screen conductor.
Validation extensions for MEF and MVVM.
This is a test package. This is not intended for use. It will be deleted when testing is done. thank you.
MVVM Framework based on Impromptu Interface
Remote Silverlight XAP loading functionality. Use the extension libraries for Caliburn and Ninject integration.