Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

The LoadablePanel control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
The CrystalReportViewer control for DotVVM made by DotVVM Contrib community.
Accordion Xamarin
FreshMvvmExtended is a DotNet Standard version from FreshMvvm with some Features.
This package contains helpers for migration of ASP.NET Web Forms application to DotVVM. DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
Button Xamarin
Visual Studio 2015 Unit Test Adapter for Silverlight 5 Plugin
Micro MVVM lib
Create a Xamarin.Forms project using MVVM design pattern with Autofac.
To easy use mvvm in android,ios,uwp,wpf ect.
Image Rating
MVVM FX is a framework for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Data binding, Command binding and DependencyObject/DependencyProperty for WinForms.
The library which supports notification-based model.
Modified version for AFSolutions
AFSolutions Modified Version
Nicenis is a small library especially for the Windows Presentation Foundation.
A minimalist MVVM framework