Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client package in order to make upgrading easy.
Open RIA Services Contrib - Entity Tools
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client.Core package in order to make upgrading easy.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext.
Helper classes to make ViewModels less verbose. It provides a generic ViewModel class that automatically implements INotifyPropertyChanged, IEditableObject and INotifyDataErrorInfo for the wrapped object using Dynamic Proxy method. This class also facilitates configuring validation against some rule...
Framework для поддержки WPF разработки в Rikrop.
CustomPage For Caliburn Micro Universal App
Common.Logging.Portable contains the Silverlight 5 implementation of the common.logging library which introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at runtime.
C#-javascript binding with Awesomium allowing to use HTML UI with MVVM pattern. This framework act as a glue between a C# ViewModel and a awesomium IWebView using knockout.js as an infrastructure. This allows to reuse 100% of View Model written for WPF in a HTML UI. After, nuget instalation you can...
Xamcc is MVVM infrastructure for C++/CX. In Xamcc.Interactions package, define behaviors.
Provides the Device, ReceiverBluetoothService and SenderBluetoothService classes for help to use 32feet.Net in WPF applications that implements the MVVM pattern.
Simple Windows Phone 8 MVVM toolkit
StyleMVVM.Controls is the controls library to go with StyleMVVM
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
The knockout viewmodel plugin allows you create complex observable viewmodels easily and with more structure and control than ever before.
KnockoutJS plugin allows to accept/rollback changes on individual observables and view models in simple and elegant way