Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

Convention based template store for Knockout
Convention based template store for Knockout
This package contains the 'UserInteraction' plugin for MvvmCross v3. The plugin provides a simple way to display alerts, dialog boxes, and other UI items.
MvvmCross plugin for keychain simple handling
Controls library for Fayde.
Class library for fluent chaining of ViewModel property notifications. Targets .NET Standard 1.0
WhatsNew is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects, and which can be used to notify users of any feature updates.
This package contains the 'Geocoder' plugin for MvvmCross v6
Facilitates Development of WPF Applications using Markup Extensions and MVVM Utility Classes.
Experimental Controls library for Fayde.
A library for object and collection pooling and various other things. Documentation is found on the project site.
AsyncMvvmMessenger is extensions library. That is MVVMLightToolkit(PCL) Messenger class.
Portable Mvvm framework for Windows Phone
Using the new APIs in Knockout 3.0.0, this plugin provides a set of enhanced binding syntaxes.
A little helper library for the .NET HttpClient
Helpers for MVVM-friendly asynchronous operations. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4.5 * .NET Core 1.0 * Silverlight 5 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * .NET Standard 1.0 * Portable Class Libraries
AsyncMVVM library Calculated Properties integration. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4.5 * Silverlight 5 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Portable Class Libraries
Contains attributes, helpers and extensions which useful for developing any software project
Contains infrastructure for implementation module structure of application