Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

The Enterprise Library Security Application Block provide a common abstraction from specific security providers.
The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies the ways to incorporate cryptographic functionality in applications.
Facebook login button control for WP7 that pops up a page to prompt the user to login to Facebook, approve your app, and return an access token.
This project contains several of Nohros' core .NET libraries that we use in our many .NET-based projects. The common package contains the common classes that are used by the others packages of the framework.
An implementation of OAuth 1.0a for .NET
OAuth 1.0 client library.
SocialAuth4Net is OAuth wrapper for popular social platforms that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and soon Google+, others
MADAM is an HTTP module for ASP.NET (1.1 or later) that allows a single web application to employ standard HTTP authentication schemes (like Basic and Digest) to be used in addition to the non-standard Forms authentication. MADAM also includes a Basic authentication HTTP module.
This TVA Code Library is a collection of class libraries that extends and expands the functionality included in Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It makes some of Microsoft’s functions simpler to use, and adds functions that Microsoft did not include in the .NET Framework.
NetSqlAzMan is for all Microsoft .NET 4.0 developers that need to manage loosely-coupled applicative authorizations, that is, weakly coupled with source code, in a light and fast way having all these authorizations in a relational database such as MS Sql Server (2000/MSDE/2005/2008/Express).
Me: Sons of Djorks, I am Magical Unicorn - Mvc Request Header Authorization Attribute. You: You're 7 GitHub projects, tall ... Me: Yes, I've heard. Kills Meme's by the hundreads and if he were here he'd consume Rails with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM MGMRHAA. ...
Simple implementation of basic authentication using only one dll and one xml file with credentials.
This package is now rebranded to: SimpleAuthentication.Core
A simple library build on top of DotNetAuth for using OAuth protocols to get user profiles from different social networks.
Restrict access to your Cloud Services based on IP addresses
Claims based security is the new black. So to keep things simple, most web applications require some common user data whenever they sign in to a web application! So that is what this package does. Making your web application Identity coding-life simpler.
This dll contains the main TM engine that can also be found (with the main TM website) at TeamMentor is a real-time reference guide--the industry's largest repository of secure software development knowledge that provides software developers secure coding checkl...
Software Protector is an open source 100% managed .NET licensing system based on SKGL Project. Generate keys for your software, and validate them using SKGL library in your own project. To see the online demo, please navigate to
Library for Authenticating with Facebook OAuth and populating the Profile object with information from the user's open graph. It is designed to work with FormsAuthentication, it will create users and populate their profile when they log in & authorise your application. For more detailed instruct...