Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

This package, built on top of the original Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), makes extremely easy to authenticate users inside your Xamarin projects. You only need 1 line of code!
SDK for accessing LaunchKey V3 endpoints.
Google API OAuth provider implementation for the sensenet platform.
Easy to use PKCS#11 based X.509 certificate store
Authentication and service implementation for the BitBucket API.
Acheve.AspNetCore.TestHost.Security Class Library
AngularJS starter kit Spa
Authentication and service implementation for the Spotify Web API.
Authentication and service implementation for the Pinterest API.
Implementation of the data sources provided by Windows AppStudio. This library enable access to different data source like RSS, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Antix Common Security Code
AngularJS starter kit Spa secured server
The official ASP.NET Identity Provider for Couchbase Server.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling VidZapper authentication.
Microsoft Application Inspector is a software source code analysis tool that helps identify and surface well-known features and other interesting characteristics of source code to aid in determining what the software is or what it does. This is a dotnet tool package. For the library, see Microsoft.C...
Hawk Http Authentication