Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages
Premise is a library for .net core applications to support quick and easy scaffolding of applications. This package contains the neccessary interfaces to implement a generic repository pattern.
File Management solution integrating 3rd party storage providers such as S3 and dropbox.
RevStack Storage implementation for Amazon S3.
RevStack Storage Database implementation for OrientDb.
Entity Find Repository
Dapper SQL Repository
Abstract Every application, let it be a desktop, web, mobile or any other you can image, either sends data to database or retrieves data from database to show it to the user. What if we automate the data sending and fetching process and focus only on the business logics? So that we don't need to wri...
Repository project that use Entity Framework and Dynamic Linq to provide useful methods for read and write entities with filter, pagination and ordination.
This is a repository pattern for Entity Framework (EF) Core.
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Generic Repository Entity Framework DbContext implementation.
EntityFramework 6 Adapters for the Database Pattern Library
Repository Base by SchwabenCode
Dapper Generic Repository And Unit Of Work
Repository with Dapper