Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

UoW and Repository Pattern with EF
Simple Repository for MongoDB. Alpha version.
Generic repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 (with async version)
UniRepository.Core includes the main interfaces for the UniRepository library.
An implementation of M.Repository abstraction using EntityFramework.
SharpRepository is a generic repository written in C# which includes support for various relational, document and object databases including Entity Framework, RavenDB, MongoDB, CouchDB and Db4o. SharpRepository includes Xml and InMemory repository implementations as well. SharpRepository offers buil...
Pattern Repository C# using Entity Framework
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Collection of tools for our company projects for Entity Framework 6.
Simple but DI-aware and extensible repository for EF DbContext
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
MongoUnitOfWork is an extensible library which implements the Unit of Work pattern on top of the Official MongoDB C# driver. It also supports multi-document transactions using two-phase commit as described in MongoDB documentation.
EF Update Repository
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Unit Of Work pattern over Entity Framework
caching strategies with repository pattern for EF
EF Count Repository