Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

The Repository and Service pattern implemented for both Entity Framework 6 and Core
Implementação de um domain core específico para sistemas da Telehelp, que habilita a criação de entidades, utilização de objetos de valor, extensão de entidades como Endereço, Telefone, Pessoas Física e Jurídica e Meios de pagamento.
The purpose of this library is to store cache data, the infrastructure "StackExchange.Redis" is fed, but this library offers more generic and clean architecture. This library was developed .NET Standard.
Generic entity framework sql server repository which manages your entities. It allows you sign your entities as a ISoftDeletable , ISoftUpdatable and manages them automatically
This library is designed for generic architecture based on mongodb. It can be used relationally because it has mapping feature. So, can make relational queries with defined rules.
Fluent HTTP client with python-requests like interface
Provides extensions for testing usage of SqlRepo components
A thread-safe caching infrastructure for caching data objects, which should be requested only once when needed from the data source (db, service or any type of data source)
Beta release. A simple CRUD library for dotnet Standard 2.0.
Package Description
Abstract MongoDB repository base class.
Generic Repository Pattern implemented for EFCore 3.1 and .Net standart 2.1. Content: Fix package DI Fix access cache and more...
The official collection of get, insert, update and delete helpers for Also handles lists of entities and optional "dirty" tracking of interface-based entities, Support for multiple databases: SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, Postgresql, Oracle...
This is a common library for AspNetCore.Repository
This is generic reposiory for Entity Framework Core. This is awesome repository for database operation based on EF
Base repository classes for MongoDb.
.Net standard repository library for Entity Framework
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.